Antonio Decinti

Antonio Decinti was born in Santiago de Chile, later, to be located in Madrid, Spain, in 2002. He belongs to a family of artists. He has received instruction in preparation and framing of holders for oil painting, production of exhibitions, drawing, oil painting with his father, Alejandro Decinti, and the painter, Óscar Villalón.

He has a degree in arts applied to sculpture by Escuela de Arte La Palma, where he acquired knowledge on sculpting procedures in wood, clay, metal and mold production.

He studied History of Art in the UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

Currently, he does particular courses and teaches in the art academy Decinti & Villalón, where he instructs oil painting and drawing. He also contributes in exhibitions and helps in the production of paintings of his father.

I have been very influenced by “Las Florecillas, by San Francisco de Asís in my religious paintings. Also, by Federico García Lorca in his writings about bullfighting, as “El Romancero Gitano” and “La teoría del duende”, where Lorca talks about inspiration, in this case, flamenca, which can be also applied to every form of artistic creation, inspiration arises from an overly human feeling, which grows and raises the artist to be encountered with the creator.

The “duende” cannot be find in everybody, it is a grace given by God to create and help its community, its a mysterious power that everyone can feel but not even the greatest thinkers, can explain. It can be seen as if an angel enlightens the artist so he can do his work almost without exertion, if God wants it to happen, it would do, capacity is not needed, limitations are always in human form. 

Art as a form of tradition needs to be defended, occidental culture is the maximum exponent of everything that has been created. Under the protection of the Catholic Church, it has been made the best art masterpieces that the history has known. The new tendencies of postmodernism thinking, threatens the tradition that I stand up for in my paintings, as the big subjects of Spanish culture are: bullfighting, flamenco, religious subjects, saints lives. Traditional painting is what I am willing to teach, because this kind of art is what enlightens truth and beauty to the world.

I have been very influenced by “Las Florecillas, by San Francisco de Asís in my religious paintings. Also, by Federico García Lorca in his writings about bullfighting, as “El Romancero Gitano” and “La teoría del duende”, where Lorca talks about inspiration, in this case, flamenca, which can be also applied to every form of artistic creation, inspiration arises from an overly human feeling, which grows and raises the artist to be encountered with the creator. The “duende” cannot be find in everybody, it is a grace given by God to create and help its community, its a mysterious power that everyone can feel but not even the greatest thinkers, can explain. It can be seen as if an angel enlightens the artist so he can do his work almost without exertion, if God wants it to happen, it would do, capacity is not needed, limitations are always in human form. 

When el Greco or Goya did his paintings, it was not important if the technic was not perfect nor if the result was impecable, they just accomplished to transmit with “duende” in their paintings. 

The “duende” is something innate of Spain, death is very present, the biggest festivity is bullfighting, a death battle that can only be finished in the mkst perfect way, which is death, as Manolete (a famous bullfighter) did, it is like mass, where you worship and sacrifice God. 

He works with oil painting, he considers it to be the best technique, because of its characteristics and creation possibilities, and also, because of its conservation. Realist painting  as an universal language it is the world where we live at, and thus this, the ideas that need to be transmitted, are well-received by the spectator. Sometimes, to enhance some paintings, he adds some abstract elements.

When el Greco or Goya did his paintings, it was not important if the technic was not perfect nor if the result was impecable, they just accomplished to transmit with “duende” in their paintings. 


2002 – 2008 Escuela Hermanos Ortiz de Zárate de Chinchón, Madrid
2009 – 2011 IES Carpe Diem de  Chinchón, Madrid
2011- 2013   IES Príncep de Girona Barcelona
2013-2016 Bachillerato. Escuela de Arte La Palma
2015-2017 Grado superior artes aplicadas a la escultura. Escuela de Arte La Palma.
2019 Historia del arte Universidad Complutense

Art Studies

From and early age, he gets educated in his fathers workshop, and also collaborates in the production of his exhibitions.

2012-2014 Curso de cómic. Escuela de ilustración y cómic Femart.
2014-2016 Clases de pintura maestro Oscar Villalón.                                          2015-2017 Grado superior artes aplicadas a la escultura, Escuela de arte la Palma.


2015 Siringa. Espacio Cultural Ronda, Madrid, España.

2015 Las Metamorfosis, 18 de Octubre al 15 de Noviembre de 2015, Burg Stolberg, Aachen, Alemania.

2015 Amparo Torrejón Antonio y Alejandro DeCinti. Exposición colectiva. Hogar de la Flauta.

2016 Antonio und Alejandro DeCinti, Rafael Ramírez Máro, 21 de Agosto al 2 de Octubre de 2016. Burggalerie Burg Stolberg, Aachen, Alemania.

2016 Las Metamorfosis, 03 de Septiembre al 17 de Diciembre de 2016. Galerie Gabriele Paqué, Bonn, Alemania.

2017 Hecho un cuadro. Septiembre Sala Retiro subastas Madrid, España

2020 Testimonios desde el confinamiento, Decinti Villalón, Madrid, España

2022 Kreuzweg «Berg Horeb“, Semana Santa en Eupen, Bélgica.

2023 Exposición presencial y online de pintura ”Vistas de Lerma y sus alrededores” En la Casa de la Cultura del Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Lerma, Burgos.

2023 Bergkapelle de Eupen

2023 Arte y tradición española, Galería Ulmacarisa, Madrid, España.

2023  Vida nueva de Dante 17 de octubre de 2023 al 11 de febrero de 2024. 51º Festival Internacional Cervantino. Museo Iconográfico del Quijote MIQ, Guanajuato, México.

2015 Las Metamorfosis, 18 de Octubre al 15 de Noviembre de 2015, Burg Stolberg, Aachen, Alemania.

2016 Antonio und Alejandro DeCinti, Rafael Ramírez Máro, 21 de Agosto al 2 de Octubre de 2016. Burggalerie Burg Stolberg, Aachen, Alemania.

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